game type
online-only multiplayer.
an alien place
a plane in space, nearby an iceplanet with an asteroid belt, colored corrugated iron homes around a central big tree and a bear growing, progressing anti-clockwise around it, is a new playground of b, the bumblebee of subgenus gaudium formosum, recognizable by their cheeky :p.

minimum Requirements with 1920x1080 resolution
- an x64 CPU and a 64-bit Windows with at least DirectX 11
- an i5-9600 single-thread performance class CPU
- 8 GB RAM
- 175 MB storage space
- a GTX 1650 performance class GPU
recommended Requirements with 1920x1080 resolution
- same as minimum requirements except now:
- an i9-9900K single-thread performance +86% class CPU
- an RTX 2060 performance class GPU
- a joystick having thrust and yaw control
- exit
- F5
- reload
- left mouse button click
- toggle free look by mouse movement; zoom by mouse scroll wheel
- s
- halt when moving only due to inertia
- increase flight speed (accel)
- w
- slow down flight speed (brake)
- s
- turn left
- a
- turn right
- d
- fly up
- space
- fly down
- left shift
- roll left
- q
- roll right
- e
- move wings to forward flight direction
- o
- move wings to upward flight direction
- l (lowercase L)
supports joystick yaw, pitch, roll -axis, thrust slider and button 1 (trigger) for heli (fly up) (when moving)
see Steam.
Windows | Steam storepage |
- utilizes joystick 1 of Windows. The preferred joystick might have to be set as default within Windows game controller settings.
Made with
Game Engine
and third-party assets and libraries, see Steam storepage.